Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cancer...HATE it!

Breast Cancer Sucks! Well any Cancer sucks, but in this case I am focusing on the Breast. A good friend of mine recently had a Masectamy due to Breast Cancer and my friend Kelly and I decided to make her paystees to brighten her day. Afterall, who
wouldnt want a fun set of paystees to cheer you up!

We put them on clear bandaids to make them really POP! :) And yes those are dangly jingle bells. LOVE it!Cancer...Hate it! Paystees for a friend with no nipple...She LOVED it! And if you really want to go all out; here's an idea for Testicular Cancer....LOVE it!


  1. HA HA HA H!! I love you!!! HA HA HA!!!

  2. So how do I go about purchasing some of these?

  3. Love your writing! And I love the paystees! You are so funny!

  4. Hahahahahaha!! I love that you very nicely did not mention the name of said friend that was in need of some paystees. Is that how you spell it? In my head it's pasties. But why would I know how to spell that??
